.Matthew 26:41 – Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Join us as we learn what this verse means. Think about it. Jesus asked the disciples to help him out by joining him in prayer on the last night that they would ever spend with him before he died. That should have been a precious time of fellowship with their savior and friend in need. Instead, their laziness won and they passed our repeatedly. They missed an amazing opportunity that night because their flesh was too powerful.
I wonder…how many amazing opportunities do we miss out on with our Savior because our flesh is weak? If you are up for the challenge then join us AFTER CCOB Service on Friday, August 24th from 10:30pm to 7:30am as we try and pray all night long together. We’ll have times we pray as a group out loud, times we go off and pray by ourselves, times we pray in teams of two, etc. It’s going to be an exciting night. I don’t know if we can do it to be honest. But I know Jesus did it often (Luke 6:12) – so I want to try! Don’t bring your sleeping bags cause we aint sleeping! But only come if you are serious about this spiritual challenge. It’s NOT an all night lockin crazy party kinda thing. It’s a spiritual challenge to see what we are made of. If we find out we can’t do it and we are weak – than that’s good! Because then we know that we have to work on our flesh more.
Download the permission slip HERE: http://www.ccob.org/ministries/!MPACT/prayerchallenge2012.pdf
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/350596038356700/