Congratulations on the beginning of your journey!!
You will have 24 hours to complete the following objectives:
What better way to start off the new year than to start off with spending time with God! Set a timer, and then pray for 15 minutes straight for God to search you and make you into a person usable for everything He wants to do in you and through you this year.
Take another 15 minutes straight to read Psalm 119 over and over and really gain a sense of how VITAL it is to spend time in His Word!
Choose your favorite verse from the chapter and begin to memorize it. (Write it down and keep it in your pocket or in the notepad in your smartphone)
Start a journal for this school year and write down 10 Godly attributes you would love to see develop in you this year and 10 things you would love to see God do this year.
Look at the past 5 people you texted from your phone and text them something you appreciate about them. (At least 3 Sentences!!)
Get together with one Christian friend to pray for 10 minutes at school OR call a friend on the phone to pray for 10 minutes. (Make sure you pray about dedicating your school year to Jesus!)
Post a bible verse on twitter when you’re all done USING THE HASHTAG: #blessingblitz and #day1 to finish! (MAKE A TWITTER IF YOU HAVE TO. 🙂 )
Make sure to check back here TOMORROW (9.3.14) @ 7pm for Day 2’s BLESSING BLITZ OBJECTIVES!
