IT’S TIME for Day 2!!
You will have 24 hours to complete the following objectives: (Check back at 7PM tomorrow for the last set of objectives!)
Today will be a little bit more challenging than yesterday… 🙂
Write your parents a letter thanking them for something specific they’ve done in the past year and place it somewhere special
Clean your room/ do a chore without your parents asking
Ask one of your friends who ISN’T a Christian if you can pray for them. (Write it down!)
Text a Bible verse to a person that comes to mind that could really use it.
Keep memorizing a verse from Psalm 119! Recite it and apply it!
Finish off today’s #BLESSINGBLITZ by posting a picture on Instagram of your favorite verse Psalm 119 and write in the caption what it means to you. Make sure to use the hashtag #BlessingBlitz and #Day2 so I can keep track of it!! (If you don’t have instagram, texting Alan the verse will suffice. 🙂 )
Don’t forget to check back TOMORROW 9.4.14 at 7pm for the FINAL BLESSINGBLITZ Objectives!
