Superb Senior Sendoff Beach Hangout Postponed NEW DATE: Sorry guys! Tonight's beach hangout is CANCELLED due to thunder storms. ⚡️☁️☔💦 We will be moving it to Tuesday, August 18th, at 7pm. However, this will be a GREAT night for the class of 2015 to check out our young adult ministry, IMPRINT!! They meet at the teen center at 8pm. Pastor Alan as well as a bunch of your friends will be there. Come hang out there instead!!Also, don't forget our All Night Prayer Challenge is TOMORROW NIGHT!!A photo posted by // I M P A C T – YOUTH // (@impactaworld) on Jul 30, 2015 at 9:41am PDT
NEW DATE: Sorry guys! Tonight's beach hangout is CANCELLED due to thunder storms. ⚡️☁️☔💦 We will be moving it to Tuesday, August 18th, at 7pm. However, this will be a GREAT night for the class of 2015 to check out our young adult ministry, IMPRINT!! They meet at the teen center at 8pm. Pastor Alan as well as a bunch of your friends will be there. Come hang out there instead!!Also, don't forget our All Night Prayer Challenge is TOMORROW NIGHT!!A photo posted by // I M P A C T – YOUTH // (@impactaworld) on Jul 30, 2015 at 9:41am PDT