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Impact England Missions Trip 2013 – Day 3

.Apologies for not having a lot of photo content of today…it was just so amazing that I had to get in on the fun! I promise there will be more tomorrow.

Today we started off with a devotional by Jon D’angelo and by going to St. Andrew’s Street Baptist Church to hear Pastor Joey give us some evangelism training and some amazing insight from the scriptures to excite us for our first day of evangelism in Cambridge. This has been the day so many of us have been praying for and waiting for, it was hard to believe it was here! So many people from ALL OVER THE WORLD (Literally…Czech Republic, Turkey, Italy, Iran, Brazil, Germany, etc.) were just hanging out on the field called Parker’s Piece in the heart of Cambridge. We decided to put up a sign that says, “Free Water, Jesus Paid It All!” and handed out free waters to people sitting in the summer heat. SO MANY conversations, and so much boldness! I can’t tell you enough about the exciting stories, but here’s just a taste:

  1. The first young man to talk to Pastor Joey received the Lord after talking with him for over an hour, and then started evangelizing with our team!

  2. Personally, I had a Muslim man and his friend come up to the table and speak in broken English: “I want to know more about JESUS!” He could hardly speak any English, but he wanted as much material as he could get his hands on, as he was seeking who Jesus really is. I gave him my e-mail in a desperate measure to find some kind of way to bridge the gap. WOW!

  3. Students saw the power of PRAYER, as they would see different groups talking and they would pray for God to move and give the appropriate words.

  4. One particular student’s eyes were opened to the POWER of the Word of God. He noticed that as he shared the Bible, it had a completely different effect on the people he was evangelizing with. It got him excited to dig deeper into the Bible.

God is doing something EXCITING. Even in just our worship and prayer that we have been doing nightly…something is going on! We feel your prayers and thank you so much for partnering us in the faith.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring 🙂

For photos from today, click HERE


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