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Impact England Missions Trip Update (Day 4)

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Today we began with a team training with Pastor Joey at St. Andrew’s Street Baptist Church, where Spurgeon attended, and fine tuned our outreach skit. We then went to the city square and began performing the skit, playing worship and evangelizing! So many great stories, and many were receptive. Hopefully they will be joining us this weekend! We have been learning to focus on individuals and believe that God can do great things through even one person.

Afterwards, some of our team did a Bible club at a public school and ministered to faithful members and encouraged them. The rest of us evangelized to many up till dinner.

At night, we were invited to share testimonies and the skit at a youth group. This was extremely special as DJ, Aidan, and Joe shared their hearts with the students. I (Alan), followed up afterwards and did not plan on an altar call…until i walked up and saw tears!!! So I gave an opportunity and 5 or 6 or so responded. It was a surreal moment!

Really praying for tomorrow as we will be in a public school all day evangelizing at lunch and in religious education classes. Stay tuned!


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